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After: Home Office RefreshAfter

Working moms have their challenges. Organizing is one. While this working mom was fairly organized, She was a filer. Every piece of paper was filed. The positive perspective is that those files were organized to a tee….we are talking alphabetically, chronologically, vertically, and horizontally. However she was paralyzed with an apprehensiveness to throw away any piece of paper. What if she needed it later down the road?

Half of organization is learning to let go and the other half is learning to identify and manage what is really important. Paper control is a problem that a lot of people have to one degree or another, including the organizers that are speaking to you now. Should you keep the birthday card your best friend gave you 5 years ago? How far back do you keep tax documents? What do you do with the photo of grandma that your cousin just sent you?

Half of organization is learning to let go and the other half is learning to identify and manage what is really important.

We can help sort through the papers you have now and start helping you develop good habits in placing things like the ones we mentioned in their proper home. Homes for these things might be on your computer, in a firesafe, or, in more cases than not, the shredder. Reducing the number of things to file reduces the time you spend attending to and thinking about these things, thus, leaving more time for you to spend with your family and friends.

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