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This client was wonderfully thinking outside the box when it came to her small walk-in closet (pun intended). Organizing it was definitely a priority but she wanted to go beyond the practical and feel joy; the same kind of joy she feels walking into her living room. Can that be possible in such a utilitarian space (and a small one at that)? We say yes!

In this particular instance, she had her closet but much of her and her husbands items were also stashed in various places in their bedroom. So after thinking hard about what could be donated, finding and creating space in that closet made this client very happy.

But she wanted to be happier! After scanning her home, we noticed how detail oriented she was and that she was not afraid of color. We came up with a design that we fondly titled “Michael Kors meets flea market”. we wanted her to “shop” her closet. What an innovative approach to a closet! If jewelry, clothes, shoes, and purses are displayed like a downtown boutique, a shopaholic would be surprised how little they would want to shop elsewhere. a lifestyle change indeed!!!!

We wanted her to “shop” her closet. What an innovative approach to a closet!

Cost efficient DIY projects made this a fun and easy project to implement. The finishing touch of color makes you never want to leave the closet. even we didn’t want to leave !

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